viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015


Hey so I am really excited to talk about this editor!
Ok, so this one is the biggest Photo-Paint rival!

Photoshop is my opinion is the number one ,#1, numero uno, when it comes to photo retouching editing!
It has style, it has elegance, its simply very very good... Let alone all the tools and functions it has!
Photoshop is easier to use than Photo-Paint and it leaves your photos really polished.

Here its layout.

It offers you great blending, bluring and most important its layering system!
This one is actually even more popular than Photo-Paint and people can learn to use it easly.

Easy and Simple Editors

If you want an editor just to do a simple and quick retouch! Im gonna list the online editors you could use.

These are no profesional at all but they are ok for something really simple.

LunaPic: It has the basics, like: cropping, auto enhance, lights and blur. Its not really good at all but you can give it a try.

Pixlr: This a really popular tool amongst teenagers, it has the basics but the great thing is you can download it on your mobile phone. The app is really good and it offers you TONS of effects, filters and frames.

PicMagick: it has the basics, but this one is really good for cropping, rotating, red eye, because its design is really simple and friendly. But yet again its just for quick quick something.

Instagram: This one is great, is really really very very simple to use. You can add amazing filters and rotate, crop, enhance light, sharpen and blur. This one is really popular right one. Its a mobile app, its free and plus you can record tiny videos and also add filters. Then you share your mazing photos in the app and everyone sees them and you can get likes and followers! Also you can connect with every social media you'd like.
You can just view photos on the online site but not really upload any.
Here an Image of the incredible filters. 

Enjoy and have fun with your pictures!!!!!

And please FOLLOW ME!! Ha!

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

This one is the perfect alternative to Photo-Paint.

Its free and its certainly very complete, even though its obvious it wont have as much functions or finishes as the Photo-Paint. But if you want something really good for free this one's for you.

It offers you the essentials on pro editing and it doesnt pales in comparison with Photo-Paint. One of the things that GIMP does not naturally offers you is the extensions or file saving in diferent image formats, its really weird saving or exporting a picture in this program. Also dont expect GIMP following up to Photo-Paint new features and updates.

GIMP really lacks in style and design of its interface and layout but come on! So does Photo-Paint.



What exactly is Photo-Paint?

Photo-Paint belongs to the Corel Family. particular software, is a photo editing software. It allows you to enhance your photos and make them look like a cover of a magazine or a movie poster.
You can add lights, correct tones, enhance features and give your skin a lil something here something there.
Also you can take yourself to a voyage and  make a montage of you and your family in paris.
I wont really lie to you and tell you this is a very ease tool to use. It takes its time to get things right and to control the whole lot of futures it has. But practice and dedication makes photofinish perfect.

This computer app is unfortunately not free, you would have to buy it. But believe its worth it.


jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Why Photo-Paint? Are there others?

Of course there are more than just one photo editing tool. There are tons! 

Some of them you'd have to download and install and some others you can use online. Im going to list these softwares, so if you please you can try them.











VCW Vicman.

But why Photo-Paint over all of those? While the others offer you simple, friendly, quick layouts and dashboards they dont really offer you variety on tools or great functions, thought they are really accesible, but wait actually if you would want to use the good effects on this webpages you would have to pay per month just to use these filters you could actually just use on a free mobile app (instagram), waste of money and time. 

Photo-Paint offers you a complete menu on amazing tools and it ensures the quality of them. Invest on the quality you want. And it doesnt just offers "cool effects" like most of the above do. 

Remember this is a Pro's tool

Photo-Paint Transformation.

Here's a clear example of what you can do with Photo-Paint. Its always nice to have an amazing tool that allows you to polish your photos.
             Without Photo-Paint                                                             With Photo-Paint

Ps. I did this photoedit myself.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015


Welcome to this blog, where we are going to talk about the awesomeness of Photo-Paint.
This all you want to know about Photo-Paint blog will show you essentials tools and cool effects you can do with this amazing thingy machingy.
Please stay put!
thank u Bah!