jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

What exactly is Photo-Paint?

Photo-Paint belongs to the Corel Family.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d4/8c/eb/d48ceb979b82a88efd495ee80bb6c960.jpgThis particular software, is a photo editing software. It allows you to enhance your photos and make them look like a cover of a magazine or a movie poster.
You can add lights, correct tones, enhance features and give your skin a lil something here something there.
Also you can take yourself to a voyage and  make a montage of you and your family in paris.
I wont really lie to you and tell you this is a very ease tool to use. It takes its time to get things right and to control the whole lot of futures it has. But practice and dedication makes photofinish perfect.

This computer app is unfortunately not free, you would have to buy it. But believe its worth it.



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